Preparing slide gels
Slide agarose gels can be run in 7 minutes and give great resolution of DNA samples. Multiple gels can be prepared at once and saved for up to a month. Slide gels use only 0.12 g of agarose per gel which reduces the cost of running gels. See the accompanying video “Running slide gels” below.
Gel recipe: 10 mL 1x TAE buffer, 0.12 g agarose –> boil by microwave until dissolved (about 45 sec on our microwave) —> add 0.5 µL 10 mg/mL ethidium bromide
Running slide gels
Slide agarose gels can be run in 7 minutes and give great resolution of DNA samples. Multiple gels can be prepared at once and saved for up to a month. Slide gels use only 0.12 g of agarose per gel which reduces the cost of running gels. See “Preparing slide gels” above for casting the gels.